Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Happy Teachers Day!!

16 May 2015, Saturday - Tahun ni Teachers Day jatuh pd hari Sabtu.
Disebabkan itu... class Marissa celebrated awal sket...
dorang buat cards for all the teachers.
Masing-masing nampak happy sangat!
Marissa terlindung kat celah kad, kat sebelah teacher Uma...
boleh nampak dari jauh mata sepet dia tu... hehe :D
ni antara teacher yg dpt handmade card from Marissa...
suka teacher dia ye :D
another card for her teacher...
But utk her classroom teacher, Teacher Uma & Teacher Nasyitah...
ada extra gift... yg 2 box kat depan ni...
Hope both the teacher like it :)
Happy Teachers Day...
Thank you for your patience and caring, kind words and sharing to our children...

A day in a life of Nur Marissa Qaisara Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design