Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Marissa Qaisara @ T3 class, Tunas Kijang

Hi! it's me again, Marissa! sorry for not updating my blog.  Please blame my mummy ehehehe :D coz she's too busy in updating her blog!
I'm busy with my bottle of milk! I just don't know why I can't live without my Barney bottle of milk :) heee...
For those who knowing me by the name of Qaisara.... you can call me Sara or Qaisara, or sometimes 'Qesara' heheh :D But now I already know how to say my name properly. In my school, all of my class teacher prefer to call me, Marissa.  That's why when I'm at home, I've get used to it, to call myself as Marissa or 'adik'.  But Ibu said, I can't be an 'adik' anymore, I'm a big girl and will turn to 3 years old this coming May....hurm... it's hard actually to face the fact that I'm getting older kihkihkih :P but I'm trying hard to call myself as, 'Kak Sara'. Isn't that cute? ;)
See! the boys are busy playing with the legos block, but me & Lara laying down and enjoying our bottle of milk!
 oh heaven ok! You can see that Lara's leg is inside the bookshelf ahahaha :D
Just look at myself... I already spotted my 'ayah'... he's the one who responsibles to took all these pictures!
Eeeyarghhh... I'll catch you dad!
Ok ayah, I'm ready to go home now! Quickly! coz Ibu & kakak Qis is waiting for us in the car!


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